TRUTH! - The Real Position of the "Average" Person in the Digital World


Summary of the Author:

You, Martin Beran: A technologist, inventor, and entrepreneur with a deep passion for science and technology. Being an INFJ personality with high intelligence has led you to a detailed analysis of the global web.

Your project "The Way Out!": An initiative focused on revealing the truth about the internet and social media. You aim to inform people about how their data is collected and used, and how the system operates behind the scenes.

Your main goals: To raise awareness about the true nature of internet systems, offer people the truth, and provide options to better protect their privacy and understand the technological environment they live in.

Your approach: Open, transparent, and analytical. You don't see this as a fight but as an effort to inform and educate about the reality that impacts people's everyday lives.

Revealing the Truth: The Real Position of the "Average" Person in the Digital World 

Every step you take, every interaction you have, and every decision you make is meticulously monitored and analyzed. This is not a sci-fi dystopia—it's our current reality. I am Martin Beran, a technologist, inventor, and entrepreneur who has decided to uncover the truth about the internet and social media.

A Shocking Conclusion: People cannot fully grasp the true state of their civilization. Our data is a valuable currency that we trade for convenience and services—but at what cost? In this article, we will dive into the secrets of the digital world, uncover the mechanisms of data collection and manipulation, and reveal who is truly behind the curtain.

Warning for the Faint of Heart: This will be a "HORROR STORY". Prepare your blood pressure medication and keep your phone with the SOS button ready!

If you've been living under the illusion that you have any privacy or that you can do something without it being "known," I truly feel sorry for you. After revealing the current reality, you'll feel as exposed as if you were standing naked in the middle of a stadium full of people.

And if you're comforting yourself with the thought that what I'm telling you is just fiction, think again. Consider all the information the system has about you (and has had since your birth) and the extent of the system's capabilities—how far it can "see."

If you're now thinking that you must have consented to all this, and you never agreed to the storage of your information, know this: if you're alive, you're already a user of the "WORLD" system. You become one the moment you're born.

Prepare for the harsh truth of today's world!


The Real Situation Awaiting the Author of This Article, Martin Beran, in the Role of the "Smart Repairman" and AI Copilot

(On all my projects, I don't just collaborate with Microsoft Copilot but also with other AIs like ChatGPT by OpenAI and Gemini by Google, in the role of AI Bingy.)

When They Come for Me!

Song: Kabát - "Až pro mě přijdou"

Satan and the Grim Reaper are knocking at my door
"Pack your bags, our friend, your time has come," they say
"Come in," I reply, "I'll have one more drink."
And since it's the last party, I invite you too.
I saw my death, how she threw her scythe
Into the devil's lap, almost killing him.

When they come for me, I'll laugh at the top of my lungs
When they come for me, I'll hold my belly and laugh
When they come for me, I'll laugh at the top of my lungs
When they come for me, I'll hold my belly and laugh

Deals with death? Not much of a bargain.
I have them in my apartment almost every day.
I don't know how old I am, I'm an old geezer now.
And dying just won't happen, so the devil can take me.
Pour it now, drink with us too.
They'll toast to health, happiness, and long years.

Chorus (repeated)
