The Predatory Butterfly


Turbine Blade "At Rest." The turbine is currently running against the wind.

Ideal Engagement...

Maximum Engagement – Upper Limit of the "Valve."

Turbine During a Wind Gust or When Reaching Maximum Generator Output.

Let's take a look at how the turbine will behave in the wind.

I know the models are terrible, but even the "Chytrý opravář" can't be good at everything. Drawing just isn't my thing. This is how I'll be drawing until the end of my days... 🙄🤦🏼‍♂️😂

If we now adjust the position of the "drive" barriers in the deflector, we can finally add the power section to the turbine. The previous parts of the turbine primarily served to "drive" it.

With this modification of the deflector, we've improved the airflow to the turbine and simultaneously created space around the turbine for the power section. Since torque and propulsion are strongest at the very edge of the turbine, we'll add another "butterfly wing" to this point to ensure the best possible use of the wind that enters the deflector.