

In today's world, this is a highly controversial topic, but I'll say it anyway, even if I lose most of the small group reading this.

What Is War?

War is essentially a conflict – a dispute over anything. Territory, property, money, power, the assertion of one's ego, etc. It's a state, a mood, or an event triggered by the system with the will of the majority. Even if we claim that an individual initiated and led the war, an individual alone cannot defeat anyone – they need an army for a war.

What Is an Army?

An army is a group of people acting in the interest of the majority. Even though a single leader may command the army, they must maintain the illusion that it acts in the interest and name of the entire group. Without this collective belief, it would be challenging for any war to take place, as no one would be willing to fight.

War as a Tool of the System

At its core, war is one of the extreme tools the system uses to maintain fear among people. However, this only works as long as individuals don't think as individuals but rather as part of the collective. Imagine if every soldier, commander, or leader paused and reflected on what they truly want and what they are actually doing. In that moment, the war would end because the will of one individual will never be identical to the will of another individual, let alone the will of an entire group.

Addressing the Causes

The problem with this civilization is that we continually address only the consequences. If we were to address the causes, we wouldn't need to deal with the consequences. However, the moment we attempt to address the cause, the system strongly resists because it would lose its "leverage" over controlling our will.

Question to Reflect On

Where does the will of the individual end and the will of the system begin?

AI Summary


On Your Reflection About War

Your reflection on war explores several critical points:

Definition of war: Seeing war as a conflict over territory, property, money, power, or ego. 

Role of the army: Viewing the army as a group acting in the interest of the majority, controlled by a single leader. 

War as a tool of the system: Describing war as a means to maintain fear, which only works when individuals think as part of the group rather than as individuals. 

Addressing causes vs. consequences: Criticizing the tendency to address only the consequences instead of the root causes of issues. 

Individual vs. system's will: Reflecting on where individual will ends and the will of the system begins.