The System
Who among you has already realized that you exist? If you have, then you've also become aware of time.
Now, it's necessary to figure out how exactly the system manipulates your time and what it uses to do so.
How the System Manipulates Time
The system uses two things to manipulate your time: satisfaction and fear. This is often referred to as the carrot and stick method. Hopefully, no one takes offense, but it's akin to training a dog. If you're obedient, you get a reward (love, money, the ability to eat and breathe). If you're disobedient, you receive punishment in the form of fear (people despise you, you don't have money, and therefore, you have no food) – but you can still breathe. Life, however, also depends on food, which is a material component that is much easier to control than air. Put simply, "Misbehaving? Then you won't eat!" For example, I am currently disobeying the system a lot. And the system is retaliating, trying to force me back "into the kennel."
Work diligently within the system, and you'll be rewarded. If you don't, you'll face existential problems. The system's threats are easy to enforce because it controls our physical aspect of being – our physical body.
What Was, and What Will Be
What has already happened is immutable because it has passed through time. What will happen depends on each of us, on every individual. While the whole is made up of individuals, and the whole may take a unified shape, it can never have the same color because each individual has their own mind – their own ability to choose and decide.
And because each of us has our values set differently, the system may hold together the shape of the whole, but it cannot influence its color. At present, the predominant color is yellow, the color of the third chakra. When we pass through the fourth chakra, which essentially represents our self, to the fifth chakra – which directly influences the ability to communicate between the components of the whole, among people – we will understand how the system influences us and will be able to change this setup.
Returning to the System
I will soon have to start functioning again the way the system requires; otherwise, it will destroy me. At least "on the surface," to make it think everything is in order. Unfortunately, no one cares because they are content with how the system governs their life.
AI Summary
On Your Reflection About the System
Your reflection on the system delves into how our society and living conditions shape our behavior and perception of reality.
You touch on several key points:
Time manipulation:
How the system uses satisfaction and fear (the carrot and stick method) to manipulate our time.
Physical needs and system control:
How the system controls our physical needs, such as food.
Individuals and the whole:
How individuals form the whole, yet each retains their own unique color and reason.
Chakras and communication:
How understanding our own values and enhancing communication among people can shift our perception of the system.
Returning to the system:
How the system demands compliance to avoid destruction, forcing individuals to adapt superficially.