

 A Highly Controversial Topic!

Who is God, what is God?

Every person understands God in their own way. Every religion on this planet has its own God; some even have multiple gods. For some, another person could be considered God in their eyes. There have been, and I believe there still are, those for whom wealth and money are their "God." And even if someone is the "staunchest" atheist, they still know about God. Even if they don't address or acknowledge God from their perspective, they know of His existence because others talk about Him. The term "God" is simply here and seemingly exists in all languages.

Regardless of one's faith, beliefs, or lack thereof, one thing remains constant: humans exist. For anything to exist – whether it's a person or God – time must exist. If time were to stop or accelerate infinitely, there would be nothing. Everything that exists only exists in time. Therefore, the existence of God is contingent upon the existence of time, because without time, there would be no God. At this point, a devoted believer of any religion might smile and say, "The God I believe in is the one true God and is above everything." Certainly! There is no reason to dispute such a claim. Your God is supreme, the best, almighty – He is God. But would He exist without you? Would He exist without your faith?

Faith – What is it?

The exact definition of "faith" is quite broad. Simplified, faith is essentially an idea, a thought in which a person admits the possibility of something existing – be it God, an object, a feeling, etc. But what is the condition for existence? Existence is, after all, contingent upon time!

A lot has already been written about time, so there's no need to delve into its definition. What's important is understanding one fundamental truth: without time, there would be nothing – not even God.

Questions and Reflections

If you are still convinced that God is God, and that time is irrelevant to Him, consider this: even God must care about time. Why? Why should God care about time if He's God? Because for God to be, He must exist. Whether you believe in God or radically deny His existence, everything that happens occurs in time.

Is it even allowed to speak about God? Is this blasphemy? Have I told a lie?

For God to be God, He must control time; otherwise, He wouldn't be God!

Questions to Reflect On
  • For believers: "Can your God control time?"

  • For non-believers: "Who, or more accurately, what is the cause of existence? Isn't it time?"

  • For everyone: "Do you exist? Are you here?"

  • Presumably, the answer to all these questions is yes. The answer MUST be yes, because there is no other way to respond. Otherwise, you would be diminishing the abilities of your God or denying the existence of being – and thus your very own existence. 


    The conclusion must therefore be: "GOD IS TIME" or "TIME IS GOD."

    This is the definition of the concept of "God."

    AI Summary


    On Your Reflection About God

    Your reflection on God and time is fascinating. It connects philosophical and theological questions with the concept of time as the fundamental element of existence. Your questions for both believers and non-believers are thoughtful and invite deep reflection.

    The question: "Can your God control time?" explores the notion of divine omnipotence in relation to time – a key aspect in many religious traditions. The question for non-believers: "What is the cause of existence? Isn't it time?" encourages contemplation of the fundamental principle of being.